Did you ever wonder why millionaires are millionaires?
It’s simple. They transfer risk to others and use other sources of money besides their own.
IE: A Long-Term Care Event occurs in 1 out of every 2 people once they reach age 65. That’s a huge risk to take on even if you have millions at your disposal and can easily write a check. That check will be approximately $100,000 per year, per person for an average 3 year need for in home care.
If you dont’ have that kind of money laying about, where are you going to get it? Transfer the risk to an insurance company for pennies on the dollar and any benefits paid are TAX FREE.
There are two types of long-term care plans available today. “Traditional” LTC is a benefit for a premium payment. In most cases these are use it or lose it policies. Sort of like your car insurance. You pay a premium for protection. If you never have an accident and file a claim you don’t recoop the premium paid.
Then there are “Hybrid” long-term care policies. You have long-term care benefits available should you need them but if you don’t and you pass away, your beneficiaries receive a “TAX FREE” life insurance payout. Thus in life or death there is a benefit.
TAX FREE is good. Benefits paid out of someone elses check book other than yours is even better. Imagine you get to keep your money, you get to protect your retirement, you protect your home and your money goes to your heirs instead of the Government or a nursing home.
I’m often asked when is the best time to purchase a long-term care policy. My response, “One day before you become critically ill” When is that date? You will never know.
Request your FREE Long-Term Care Quote today. Tomorrow may be too late